23 May 2023

Ante Starčević's 200th birthday was celebrated in the Great Hall of the School Book with the presentation of my monograph about him. The moderator was the book editor, Jozefina Ćurković, and the following spoke about the monograph: the president of the Board of Directors of the School Book Ante Žužul, scientific advisor at the Croatian Institute of History Stjepan Matković, professor emeritus at the Faculty of Croatian Studies Alojz Jembrih and me.

Guests from political, cultural and public life were present, and the soprano Valentina Fijačko Kobić and the pianist Eva Kirchmayer-Bilić performed compositions in honour of the Founding Father.

As part of the jubilee celebrations, I participated in several other manifestations dedicated to the Founding Father.

  • On 15 May 2023, I talked at the forum “State-building Thought and the Legacy of Dr. Ante Starčević”, organised by the Ante Starčević Academic Association and held in the City Library in Virovitica.
  • On 25 May 2023, I participated in the scientific conference “Ante Starčević: Person - Work – Historiography”, that was held at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Zagreb.
  • On 25 May 2023, I delivered a presentation “About the Life and Work of Ante Starčević” at the Cultural Thursday forum in the Croatian State Archives in Zagreb.
  • On 26 May 2023, I gave a plenary presentation on “Lika in the Work of Ante Starčević” at the 8th Days of Šime and Ante Starčević in Gospić.
  • On 13 June 2023, I participated in the round table on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the birth of Ante Starčević, organised by the Association “Vila Velebita” in Zagreb.
  • On 29 June 29, the monograph on Starčević was presented in the “Marko Marulić” City Library in Split.

On 25 May 2023, my interview with the editor and presenter Vesna Jurić Rukavina was broadcast on Radio Sljeme in the programme "Immeasurable treasure" under the title "Croatian greats: Ante Starčević in new insights about freedom and rights".

On the 1st programme of Croatian Radio, on 26 May 2023, an interview about the Starčević monograph in editor Blanka Jergović's show "I love Plato" was broadcast.

On the 3rd programme of Croatian Radio, an interview about the Founding Father was broadcast in two parts during May, that was conducted with me by editor Vladimir Lončarević.

On 27 May 2023, daily Novi list published my interview in the feuilleton "Memorial to the Founding Father", edited by Ante Peričić.

On 23 July 2023, the feuilleton "Starčević: Unifier of the Nation", edited by Ivica Beti, was published in daily Večernji list.

In the media


University of Zagreb
Faculty of Croatian Studies
Znanstveno-učilišni kampus Borongaj
Borongajska cesta 83d
HR-10000 Zagreb